On The Night Like This

On the night like this
There's so many things I want to tell you
On the night like this
There's so many things I want to show you

Cause when you're around
I feel safe and warm
When you're around
I can fall in love every day

In the case like this
There are a thousand good reasons
I want you to stay...

- Mocca -

entah kenapa kalo denger lagu ini ingatan gue tertuju kembali sama momen pas firework pandatara 2011. aslinya itu lagi habis hujan.
hujan hujanan.
buat yang ngerasa tau, buat yang ngerasa bareng gue waktu itu, cukup tau aja.
mulai dari ujan ujanan di depan panggung.
setengah mati gue nahan dingin.
akhirnya gue pindah ke barisan belakang.
pengen ngulang.
tapi nggak sama dia.